Monday, September 9, 2013

Double exposures

Double exposures
By: Me

Double Exposures would be taking a picture of yourself and then go to Photoshop. And then
after your done you look for a background of anything you'd like it could be anything you would like.
Then once your done looking for your background you would past it to Photoshop. You would go to select all on top then you go back to your own picture and then you go to edit it and then you copy your picture. Then you go back to your background image and then you paste your picture then your picture had to be layered with your background but they have to match they have to be the same size. Then you go to the magic wound and then you try to go around your hair and small details so they could come out in the picture. After you have done that you just go to the bottom corn of Photoshop where it says layers and then you if you want it black and white you could put it but then you put it in Hue/ saturation then your background layer should come out like in the picture I have. 

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