Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Panoramic photo
By Rubi Ortiz 

                    First of all to get a panoramic s your suppose to go to Photoshop. And then your going
to file after that you have to go to browse in the bridge so you could get your images from where ever you have them. Then you copy your pictures to the layer column and then you go to your tools on the time where it says help and file and all those things. after you have done that you go to Photoshop so that the pictures could get transferred to Photoshop. Then after you have gone to Photoshop on the tool box then you go to photo merge a and your pictures come out in your layer column. then a box will appear and you''ll press okay  after that all your pictures will appear in your layer column and then the layers by it self will come out large and then you go where the options on the side and you choose and then you flatten the image then your panoramic should be down if you need to crop you could always crop stop that you don't need. Like for example the spots where they didn't come out you could always erase that part. I think this was a fun experience going out there and take pictures of Dixon Lake and also I think it was really easy to create.    

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